Fall 2020 & Summer Reflections

Fall is here!

Ok, it may still be 90+ degrees everyday and most schools haven’t started yet, but our Fall session started last Monday at StudioK. There’s something invigorating about Fall. The possibilities feel endless and there is a sense of hope and ambition in every student we meet with. They are proving to be resilient and flexible – two characteristics that are necessary for the wild year that is 2020. 

Schools and teachers are thinking outside of the box to do everything they can for their students, and our teachers are no exception. We’re embracing flexibility by offering both online and in person lessons, offering more morning lesson times, and matching your health precaution requirements. Your comfort, safety, and peace of mind is always a priority at StudioK. 


Summer, we’ll miss you…

Our summer was filled with wonderful music and a photo session with our friend @ShayBriannah.  She was so fun to work with and her photos look phenomenal! You’ll see many of them start to appear throughout our website but I’m including a few at the bottom of this post to give you a sneak peek.  We were impressed by how dedicated our students were this summer. They took so many changes in stride and showed their passion for music week after week. Thank you all for trying new things and for showing up in any way you could. 


We’re brainstorming new ways to bring music into your lives and are excited for what the Fall session will bring!  Let’s measure the rest of this year not by the negative things around  us, but by the successes we have and the good we can put into the world through music.


Fall 2020 & Summer Reflections
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